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Create the Ideal Home Atmosphere With Propane or Oil

As a homeowner, you have so much to consider when it comes to your heat. Cost, delivery, fuel efficiency, the longevity of your appliances, it is hard to know what the best fuel available is for your domestic setup and budget. At Kent Oil & Propane Co, we make the choice easy. We offer a full range of both propane and oil heat systems, delivery, installs, and services to match your unique needs. For more than four generations, we have been Camden’s trusted local source for home heating. Our techs understand all the benefits of propane and oil heat and deliver those advantages right to your door.

Kent Oil & Propane Co truck with propane tank

Propane Tanks

Propane is a homeowner’s dream when it comes to fuel economy. Proven to be one of the most eco-friendly and efficient fuels, propane can run almost any home appliance and save you hundreds on heating costs every year.


Kent Oil & Propane Co will help you find the right propane tank for your needs. We always recommend leasing your propane tank from us, as it puts all tank maintenance and safety on us. Our company sells and leases a variety of different underground and aboveground tanks based on overall usage and will come to your home and assess everything before installation. Once our techs determine the right propane tank for your home, our crews will arrive onsite with our professional equipment to excavate the space to fit your tank. Propane tanks are made of heavy-gauge with corrosion-resistant coatings, so they last for decades and are much safer on the environment.


After installation, only the very top of your propane tank will show. This facilitates easy refills of the propane liquid for ready use inside your home. With one call to Kent Oil & Propane Co, our techs will come to you – same day, next day, or on a schedule that works for you – and top up your tank to ensure you have the fuel you need to stay warm in every season.


Our propane deliveries give you the ultimate ease and convenience. Our fleet of delivery vehicles is always ready to bring our premium fuel to your door, and our fast and friendly service technicians can provide additional insight, guidance, and hands-on service that our competitors can’t match.

Home Heating Oil

Modern heating oil systems are more efficient than ever before. This efficiency translates to better heat production, more savings, and a lesser impact on the environment while you heat your home. Kent Oil & Propane Co has the home heating oil resources to give you the services you want, including superior tank installations, fast and easy removals of older tanks, and home heating oil delivery, at prices to match your budget.


If your oil tank is more than 30 years old, chances are it needs replacing. Our company can provide you with top-of-the-line subterranean and aboveground tank options for your tank needs and replace your old system fast. Our oil tanks are built to withstand weather, extreme temperatures, and corrosion and come fully equipped with monitoring devices in case of (rare) leaks.


Once you have chosen the right oil tank for your home, Kent Oil & Propane Co will be happy to haul your old one away, quickly and safely. Unlike other companies, we have the tools, time, and modern equipment to remove even the largest tanks while keeping your property completely safe from damage.


With your new home oil tank installed, we can schedule heating oil deliveries in a timeframe that works for you. Kent Oil & Propane Co simplifies the process with automatic deliveries, autopay, and discounts that save you money and time year after year.

Cosy gas log fire

Homes Run on Propane and Oil

Residential customers choose propane and oil for fuel because of the nearly limitless versatility and advantages they offer. Almost all of the appliances in your home can run more efficiently on either propane or home heating oil and give you the performance and savings you’ve been searching for. These appliances include:

  • Water Heaters
  • Fireplaces
  • Stoves and Ranges
  • Clothing Dryers
  • Outdoor Fire Pits
  • Pool and Hot Tub Heaters
  • Refrigerators and Freezers
  • And more

Contact Kent Oil & Propane Co for Your Residential Needs

When you want the best fuel to heat your home, put your trust in a company that has been helping homeowners save more for generations. Reach out to Kent Oil & Propane Co and get your personalized installation, removal, or delivery estimate today.

You Choose, We Deliver